Network functions virtualization (NFV) vs cloud-native NFV

September 24, 2021


Network functions virtualization (NFV) and cloud-native NFV are two different approaches to network virtualization in cloud computing. While both solutions aim to enhance network performance and security, they have their differences. In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison of NFV and cloud-native NFV and help you determine which solution is best for your organization.


NFV is a technology solution that aims to replace traditional hardware-based network functions with virtualized software-based functions. The goal of NFV is to improve network flexibility and scalability, making it easier to deploy and manage network resources.

NFV provides several benefits, including faster deployment, improved scalability, and better resource utilization. It can also reduce hardware and operational costs by eliminating the need for physical network devices.

However, NFV also has its limitations. Since it is built on the existing network infrastructure, it may not be as flexible as a cloud-native solution. It may also be slower to scale, which can result in performance issues during high-traffic periods.

Cloud-Native NFV

Cloud-native NFV is a newer technology that is built from the ground up for cloud environments. It leverages the benefits of cloud computing, including flexibility, scalability, and agility.

Cloud-native NFV provides several benefits, including improved performance, faster scaling, and easier management. Since it is built specifically for cloud environments, it can also be more flexible than NFV.

However, it also has its limitations. Cloud-native NFV may not be as cost-effective as NFV since it requires more resources to operate. It may also be more complex to implement, requiring a higher level of technical expertise.


Here is a table comparing the key features of NFV and cloud-native NFV:

Feature NFV Cloud-Native NFV
Deployment Built on existing infrastructure Built specifically for cloud environments
Scalability May be slower to scale Faster scalability
Flexibility May not be as flexible More flexible due to cloud-native design
Performance May suffer during high-traffic periods Improved performance
Cost More cost-effective May require more resources and be less cost-effective
Implementation Less complex More complex and requires higher technical expertise


Both NFV and cloud-native NFV are viable solutions for network virtualization in cloud environments. The choice between these solutions depends on your organization's needs and priorities. If cost-effectiveness and simplicity are your main concerns, NFV may be the better choice. However, if you require more flexibility, scalability, and performance, cloud-native NFV may be the better choice.

We hope this comparison has helped you in deciding which solution is best for your organization.


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